THE GODS19 years of strife under possession



I remembered the assertion of Malun’s spirit on the airport “You are already dead, existing in the world of dead.

I accepted the truth of her statement at Varanasi. I was a dead man in the psychic world. But it was equally true that I lived physically with a body, a beating heart and a thinking brain. Let me live as a dead among the dead without any confusion, wavering   of mind   or second thought was my reconciliation. 

 “There is none to blame for the karma-inflicted sufferings of mine except myself. I have made mistakes in past lives; who else will suffer?”  I muttered in grief as I prepared to accept my new harrowing situation first time, seven months after my murder in the campsite of Isamati. I’m dead is fundamental reality for me; I’m also alive is secondary now.

But, since I am living bodily and fighting with some of the spirits and gods that want to eliminate me physically, there will be no let up in my efforts to defeat  them till I survive as a man of bone and flesh, I resolved before stretching myself in  the bed of  hotel room.  (p. 52)

(Part-I, Section 1, Highway to death


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