The Science of Consciousness





Chapter - 9: Photographs Defying Space-time Barrier




A photograph depicts configuration of an object in a moment of present, which quickly slipped into in the past. This is generally true, but occasionally even the moments and objects of past have made their appearance on the films of a camera.  Such objects, mostly unseen, constitute scenes of a whole frame or a part of it. Some of these are time-shifted and other space-shifted. Among the whole scenario of past, a good account exists relating to an empty car park of Boston. There, cars parked two hours earlier were seen on a negative with slightly fuzzy outlines but with legible number plates. Shifting of an image in space is seen on a Polaroid photograph of Bill Watkins with three distinct images relating to his boy. All the three images depict space-shift, since the individual was not a part of the snapped frame. A combination of dual space-time shift is also available when two sailors, dead and buried at sea, sometime ago were seen floating on water and photographed by the ship Watertown far away from the place of their burial at sea. Interesting among the space time-shifted photographs are also the thoughtographs by Ted Serios. The oldest time in the series of his thought photographs dates back to a scene of Neanderthal man, no younger than 32000 years because Neanderthal is extinct since then.


The enigmatic space-time shifted photographs by the author include a classic example with a scene of a fort dating back to 3800 years. In the same picture objects of the present are rotated by 40°. The past photograph proves to be in a rectangular cone with its tip at the same spot as the vantage point of the author. The past scene is half-exposed in contrast to the present features. The brighter objects of present also exist in the past frame - slightly out of focus. It suggests that the objects of present also lie in a past frame of nearly four thousand years ago.  In this series, a photograph from Bagh brings out a frame of time 70 million years old! Three photographs of Umia in Kachchh depict shorter space-time shifts. My experience, at the time of snapping the scene of Lakhpat  photograph, suggests the images of the past objects remained unseen on the ground glass of the view finder of my double-reflex Rollei Camera. Also the ‘real-images’ of the present objects had remained unseen while the consciousness-projected images, rotated by 40°, were alone seen by me on the ground glass. This consciousness image was formed by the author's own consciousness by actuating an invisible apparatus (antahkaran) in the human body. Thus, the vision is a function of antahkaran and soul. The eyes and brain are merely assisting organs to make the mind perceive an illusion as real.


The space-time shifted photographs also include a number of smudged photographs showing minor shift of images, mostly within 0°2' as measured from the vantage point. Besides the author's own photographs, other individuals have also snapped such photographs. More than fifteen photographs by the author are analyzed. The micro-shifted pulsed images, which are responsible for the fuzzy photographs, were not seen while composing the frames. Since the smudging effect results due to overlapping of three images within a hundredth of a second and it remains unseen, it is inferred that our vision grasps each of these pulses one after the other in the moment of present, which travels fast into the past. The one falling in the past frame is no more seen. The vision mechanism within us, therefore, does not allow the past images to be seen. Accordingly, our vision is restricted only to the present. Usually, this ‘present’ of antahkaran is a moment of 0.008 seconds. The same mechanism prohibits the vision of future also. Past, present and future frames of a place are stacked in a fixed order, and could be seen only in the present.


In the category of enigmatic photographs, defying space and time also fall a few others showing spheroid morphology but invisible to the eyes. Since these objects are unseen, these are taken out of space as the basis of space in human vision and mind. In all eighteen such photographs are available for our analysis. The unseen forms are relatable to 'atma, brahm and atta - the components of the invisible consciousness of man. In the photographs of Kedarnath, there are nearly as many men as spheroids and a linkage between these objects or atmas is speculated due to numerical tie up. Human atmas are mostly non-pulsating spheroid of the usual size range of 8±2 centimeters. It is also seen that there are a few pulsating spheroid objects. With them may be linked the smearing of the pulsed images of the human vision. These objects are   named as brahm. There is yet another category of spheroid object — always sharp in focus and tiny if the lens is focused at infinity. It changes its size in response to the change of focus by the camera lens. These are seen in Kedarnath as independent bodies. A photograph from Shimla shows all such objects clearly. There are spheroids of atma, brahm and atta. The photograph also contains small galaxy like disks. These have been named as attadhars.


Human consciousness or soul proves to be a three-tier system of atma, brahm and atta. It has an independent existence supported by attadhar. In a living man these are all tied to his physical self. Body and soul are, however, independent entities of the living   organic world.