

Science of Consciousness had a forced completion in 1996 on account of its author’s transfer from the Institute of Petroleum Exploration to the operational area of Petroleum fields. Some contents of the book were aborted along with the index to let the most, if not all ideas generated by the author, to be among the men of science and thinkers. Vedic Rivers of South India was completed in 2004 to understand the spread of Vedic people in south. But, more complex and out of the grip for a long time was the evolution of human psyche even after publication of The Gods dealing with the complexities of the psychic world. Facts in evolution of our psychic self may inject some astonishment and disbelief in several faithful mindsets. Science, however, has a tradition: evaluating the ideas under paradigm of science without human beliefs and emotions. Evolution of Psychic Self and Regime is placed before the community of thinkers who are aware that science and religion aren’t synonyms. A plan was there to publish YOG AND TANTRA FOR MOKSH after Science of Consciousness but the idea was shelved later. Contents of the book are condensed now in the third article of the supplement –The Bonded and the Liberated. It is to help a pursuant of Moksh.



April 3, 2015


Article – 1

Vedic Rivers and Habitations of Deccan


Abstract 1 – Introduction 1– Rivers of Satpura-Deccan Upland 3 – Rivers South of Deccan Plateau 4 – Rivers West of Agastya Parbat Upland 5 – North-South Division of Vedic India 5 – Astronomy in Vedic Culture: a Clue to Past 6 – Sinking Stars and Vedic Events 10 – Migration and Settlement of Vedic People in Dashaarn Country 11 – Reference 14 – Sanskrit Reference: A- English Translation and Explanation 15; B-Sanskrit text, meaning and notes 16.




               Classical translations of Rigved are for religious folk in India and of little use for scientific purpose. Its Western translations are in a culturally different domain. Hurried and without rigorous scrutiny of Sanskrit words and grammar, these are also deficient for precise analysis. Authentic translation of Vedic text within the framework of Paanini grammar and Siddhaant Kaumudi is first requirement for a scientific interpretation on any subject. 27 Hymns of Agastya are analyzed under specified requirement besides 14 other verses of Rigved to infer the rivers of Deccan and to infer important dates of migration of the Vedic people towards South India.

               Rigved describes six rivers from Deccan: Amavatee, Svarvatee. Vipaka, Pipisvatee, Bhadra and Dakshina. Among these, Amavatee corresponds to Narmada; Svarvatee is the river of Surat (Tapi or Tapti); Vipaka is the channel of Wainganga- Pranhita; mighty Pipisvatee is great Godavari, Bhadra is renamed for most of its tract as Krisna; and, Dakshina is North Penner. Description of the water arteries dates back between 2.9 and 2.6 thousand years (Ka). Naming of River Bhadra is around 15 – 15.5 Ka in the land of the six rivers covering Satpura- Deccan Upland. Possibly most of the six rivers were named around this date or even earlier.

                Paleolithic astronomical equipments of Kachchh and Vedic descriptions related to physical astronomy prove useful in dating Vedic movement and settlement in Deccan. Earliest astronomical event of Deccan is appearance of dawn prompted by Indr around 12.7 – 13.2 Ka. There are other events like naming of river Bhadra (15 – 15.5 Ka), attrition between Aryan and Agastya tribes (8 ± 1 Ka), and description of rivers in Dravid upland (2.9 – 2.6 Ka).  Earliest dating of major movement and settling of Vedic people in Deccan, in response to sudden fall of global temperatures goes back to 15 Ka.


                 Aryan Home of Saptasindhu figures in Rigved around 10 Ka when horses were untamed and were hunted and caught for food; and, the prey caught alive was preserved as tied-food-horses. Turkey was occupied, then, mostly by blacks – more than two thirds. A theory suggesting migration of white Euro-Aryans to India around 3 Ka through Turkey is no more tenable on account of present work. Dividing population of India into a pre-Vedic Dravid group and a Vedic Aryan type is not valid. Concept of Dravidian race and language has no scientific basis.   Dravid is a Sanskrit word, coined later during the Vedic period, for Dramil or Tamil land of three Rivers.



Article – 2

Evolution of Psychic Self and Regime


Abstract 17 – Introduction 17 – Principles of Evolution 18 – Primary Mindset and its Secondary Conditioning 18 – Gross Mindset of Psychic Regime West of Indus 19 –Evolutionary Trend in Cold Zone 20 – Mindsets in the Land of Yogis 22 – The Living and the Dead 23 – Food of Consciousness and Consciousness Bodies 24 – Pectoral ‘fins’ of Yogi 26 –Movement of Ann during Breathing 27 – Role of Karmas 27 – Can Intelligence and Logic Override Regime? 28 – Reference 28.



Contrasting perceptions and views prevail in India and the West about the psychic self. Upanishad and Vedanta consider us to be made of two selves – a psychic and another physical. West does not recognise the former as reality, and, its properties like manojav and intuition are considered as mere dogma. The two have followed, however, specific evolutionary trends after the god has appeared initially on the head of an atheist about half a million years ago. One of them has moved positively on the orthogenesis in India to reach highly conscious states of the psychic self in a Yogi or Brahm. The other trapped in a faith mindset in non-solar lands witnessed a degeneration of psychic self and promotion of physical self in Europe and Middle East.

Three essential factors control organic evolution: food, protection and environment. Birds arrive about 160 million years ago when tall fruit-trees abounded and some reptiles grew wings to reach them; wings disappeared in kiwis when food was available on a ground devoid of predators. Likewise, flying fish are dwellers of warm seas only; they don’t venture to cold latitudes where minus temperature of air will freeze their fins and gills in a moment as they jump into air. In conformity, first god-man with a strong psychic self appeared in high latent heat and high consciousness territory of Kachchh; and, he moved through orthogenesis in Brahm-Moksh segment of consciousness only in India. These faculties of the psychic self degenerated when man migrated to sun-poor colder latitudes later between 35 and 28 thousand years ago after hefty Neanderthal had disappeared.

We observe two elements controlling our mindset, temperament and attitude: one, carried forward by soul and psyche from past lives and manifesting as primary trait within us; and the other adapted from social set up and environment. The latter is often imposed on the primary mindset. It is secondary. Statistical data suggest that evolution of the mindset, temperament and attitude had moved to high negativity in the Middle East; and, the degeneration has promoted hatefulness, mercilessness, violence and mass-homicide.

Our psychic self is made of two bodies – causal and astral corresponding to psyche and spirit. The former continues to ‘live’ on the spot of existence after the death while the latter migrates to take a new life. The psychic self has four consciousness bodies supporting its existence – atma, brahm, atta and Brahm.

India has four groups of differentiated consciousness types occupying its terrain. First among these includes the modest-conscious with the concept of karmas ingrained in them through tradition; second includes high-conscious learned men on the orthogenesis-line of evolution; the third constitutes the progeny of the negative conscious Middle East baptising cults: and, the fourth includes an instinct dominated animal group enjoying food and sex but living ever under fear of insecurity; their sense of morality, right or wrong is low.

Enlargement of pectoral fins is a single morphological change which propels an aquatic fish to jump in the air and turns it into an airborne creature above other fish in the water. A similar situation is seen even in transformation of the animal-man to Yogi. The former eats food and breathes air separately while the latter inhales anil (life-breath or vital-air), which itself is ann sustaining his life. Evolution of Yogi and higher states of consciousness is a reality parallel to emergence of flying fish; and, it also is a solace for the noble souls and humane minds following positive karmas for certainty of their evolution to evolve to higher states in long run.




Article – 3

The Bonded and the Liberated


Evolution of Psychic Mindset and Manojav 29 – Experiential Innate Knowledge 29 – Facts Unknown before Braahman State 31 – Individuals in Reward and   Punishment 32 – Ultimate Question 32.



Men are a composite of physical and psychic bodies. The former is sustained by chemical energy; and sense organs; mind (ego-instinct) and intellect (intelligence-logic) are its instruments. The features of psychic self include psychic potential (manojav), will power, and innate strength to reject illogical dogma. The two have evolved independently. Faith in man represents mammal’s ego-instinct trait; it is an obey-follow-force conditioning our minds. Most faithful are socially governed and weak in manojav; and, are unable to break the faith-barrier imposed upon them through cult. They   don’t qualify for hearing sermons on Moksh or Liberation (Sankhya Sutra 1. 7). Only highly evolve men of manojav – intelligent, logical and strong willed – qualify to grasp   the topic as they are the men “in the final age and pour scorn on the religion (of faith based on a sheaf of stupid stories for the lowly evolved gullible! Italics author’s) ...” (Jude 18).

We constitute a thinking species and most of us, between types one to seven (Yogi, Brahm.. . Consc., fig. A), are aware about their own status between base population through Purush states of evolution. Such knowledge is innate to a person; none except the person himself knows if   he is of a commoner (Type1: Base Population), Yogi or a Brahm. Changes from type one to seven are evolutionary and relate to progressively increasing strength of the psychic self within the physical body. In the past, a guru or guide judged evolutionary state of a disciple. Due to dwindling ancient tradition, a pursuant needs guidance for judging his proximity to Yog besides innate qualifications for the pursuit of Brahm. Some points related to the topic figure in the article helping the individual in pursuit of Yog or Brahm. The topics include: Qualified pursuant, Mantra-power, Praanaayaam, Meditation and Samadhi and Brahm and Braahman states.

The Braahman state arrives experientially when a Brahm ‘dies’ but the physical and associated psychic self keep living ‘in the world of dead bereft of space-time’. Experiences of the facts while operating Prajna are not available before this state; and, are very helpful in understanding the fundamentals of the soul, living self and life after life. Journey between death and new life, True structure of the living self, and We never die but turn into silent component of Buddh body for fulfilling karmas later are the perceptions restricted to experiential evaluation during Braahman state.

Many of us cry “I’ve done nothing wrong, yet I’m suffering”. Section Individuals in reward and punishment answers the question by explaining the role of bodies and karmas.

“Can a simple faithful individual, staunchly following a tribal community-cult, change into a logical dogma-rejecting type to turn into a Yogi for Brahm?” has an answer now. It is no. An evolutionary trait operates here that holds a phrase good: can’t turn an ass into a horse by whipping. As IQ can’t change, so is SGS (Soul Growth Stage). It varies among us in range of baboon –>H. habilis–> Brahm independent of intelligence. A baboon tycoon turning into Yogi isn’t seen.