Crazy Idea on a Rooftop

I was on my rooftop around nine in an evening of April ’92 holding my stubborn automatic camera, not rewinding the film before counting exposure number 36. Locked within this box were important photographs of Andaman Islands and I had thought of clicking other exposures blank for rewinding the film. However, a crazy idea struck me just before pressing the shutter. A scene of Mahabharat flashed   before me. Krishn had created a sun after it has really set. I wanted to see if the event could be repeated by focusing the mind to create a sun. Mind was stressed and eight exposures snapped.

When the prints arrived, there was a surprise. The crazy idea had materialized and a fuzzy sun was clearly seen in one of the gates against a dark background (Ch. 1, Ref: 2, Fig. 9. 31-Left). Its image was less clear in the other exposure due to a shining metal background (Idem. Fig. 9.31-Right). The latter photograph, however, proved more important for containing a dark sun almost twice the size of fuzzy ball. By changing the contrast in a scanner, the second spherical object stands out clearly (Fig. 3.1). Both the suns were floating free in air. It was also certain that the two freak objects were a component of my own consciousness and created in response to my own thoughts. These were thoughtographs.

Fig. 3.1 : Brahms and atmas.  a – brahm and b – atma in my rooftop photos;   c – brahm of Barbara; d – atmas and brahms of players during a football. Match (Source: a, b – Ch. 1, Ref: 2; c – The Hindu, Dec. 7, 2000; d - The Hindustan Times, Nov. 12,2000).       

Two more consciousness bodies associated with my mind     were added to the two already photographed within a few years (Ch.1, Ref: 2, Figs. 9.35, 9.45). One of these is closely linked to thinking and focusing the mind on a subject, and seen commonly with thinking people (Fig. 3.2). The other object is a faint disc ever moving with me (Fig. 3.3).   None of the four bodies of my consciousness are visible. Only a camera could capture them under special circumstances. Different persons have photographed them in good number in highly charged gatherings as well as during snowing and hailing (Ch.1, Ref: 2). During snowing large amount of latent heat is released when water in liquid state turns into snow.   The   energy    excites   consciousness   bodies   to fluoresce   and imparts happiness to our souls. Latent heat is the primary energy of consciousness and basic requirement of soul for its sustenance, consciousness bodies suggest.  Relationship between latent heat and fluorescence of consciousness bodies also suggest the force behind lure for seeing or hearing exciting events, congregations, news or movies.  Such events accelerate our inner self and gladden us (Fig.3.1).

Photography at the rooftop led to clear understanding about consciousness bodies, soul and a living person. Each of us has a three-tier consciousness. Firstly, we live and transact as physical bodies. Secondly, there is a soul planted over the body and made of the four consciousness bodies – attadhar, atta, brahm and atma. Lastly, between the bodies and souls lie our bodies of past lives now existing as spirits. The last is seldom so powerful as to be perceptible like the Sati of Vayor.  The body eats organic food and spirits consume consciousness through thought and sex. The soul has, thus, a double apparatus for gathering food: a long living spirit and a short lived physical body.    Any attempt to  model  soul has to address these three basic elements.

Fig. 3.2 : Light and dark atmas and attas.  a – Light  atma of the person on the left; b –Dark (?) atma of Shyamalan; c, d– Light  attass of Clinton and Badgyan: e, f – Dark attas of Joginder Sing . (Source: a, d – Mr. Badgyan; b – The Hindutva, Jan. 26 , 2000; c – The Hindustan Times, March 5, 2000; e – Industrial Economist, 15-29 Jul.’97; f -  The Indian Express, Jul. 2 ’97). 



Fig. 3.3 : Attadhar of the author against the Pawai Hill in M. P.  Upper – view through 70mm zoom; Lower – view through 35 mm zoom.

I discuss some important contributions of science on soul and document my own critical observations on the related topics for inferring vital characteristics of soul to help reconstruct its structure.