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3. HORGAN, J.   1996: The End of Science, 322 p.  Broadway Books,  New York.

4. STEMMEN,  R.  1984:   Ted Serios in Focus, in Strange Talents, p. 34-37, Macdonald and Co., London.

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6. SHIKHIREV,  P. (Ed.)   1985:  A Concise Psychological Dictionary, 358 p. Progress Publishers, Moscow.

7. ROUSSOT, A.   1978:  Aspects de la Prehistoire en Aquitaine , 112 p.  Musee d’Aquitaine,  Bordeaux.

8. MAN, E. H.   1883:  Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands224 p. (Reprinted, 1975), Sankaran Prakashan, Delhi.   

9a, b, c => NOTES & COMMENTS I, II, III; 10 => IV; 11a, b => V, VI; 12a, b => VII, VIII; 13  => IX; 14 => X; 15 =>XI; 16 => XII.

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29.  BLAKEMORE, C. and GREENFIELD, S. (Ed) 1987:  Mindwaves, 525 p. Basil Blackwell Ltd., New York.

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33.  PENROSE, R.   1994: Shadows of the Mind, 457 p.  Oxford University Press, Oxford.

34.  CALKINS, C. C. (Ed.) 1982: Mysteries of the Unexplained, 319 p. Reader’s Digest Association Inc., Pleasantville, New York.

35.  KULIKOVA, I. S. and MSHVENIERADZE, V. V. (Comp. Russian) 1988: Engl. Trans. CRIGHTON, H. C., The Philosophical Conception of Man, 360 p.  Progress Publishers, Moscow.

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39.  KAVIRAJ, G.   1984: Akhand Mhayog ka Path aur Mrityuvijnan (Hindi), 112 p. Bihar Rashtrabhasha ParishadPatna.

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