Abhichar: Destroying or killing an enemy through rituals and mantras; usual time-span of performance 21, 42 and rarely 63 days; materialization: 6 months.

Active psyche: A psyche supporting physical self after the departure of spirit and soul for a new life. It falls under two categories: first, when a Brahm ‘dies’ giving birth to a Braahman; and, second, when an individual returns to life after experiencing death but his or her spirit does not turn up, as in the case of my wife. In the first case the soul takes over the body through annad for its own growth; and, in the second, actives psyche is supported and commanded by one or more possessing gods.

Active spirit: Spirit commonly perceptible in Yogi and Brahm states; continuing in time like a living person and collecting food of consciousness from living individuals through bhavaschet, kamaschet and manaschet directly or through mediums. It is a combination of Purush (self) and Prakriti (psyche) bereft of physical self; and, is generated usually by a sudden death on account of a failed physical self in an accident, murder or suicide. Such a death is an unacceptable to the subconscious self made of invisible eight elemental Prakriti (psyche) and Purush. In a way, active spirit is a living subconscious-self of an individual; and, in case of Dansatim and Tyrut its life is in thousands of years.

Ann: In standard concept the ‘knowledge-radiating all knowledgeable’ soul propagates shapely-names (Prakriti), ann or food and Purush (Brahm)1. Ann, or food is invisible energy-substance nurturing Prakriti, Purush as also soul. It is tri-componential serving different systems. The low energy visceric or kamaschet ann is used mainly by mooladhar for reproduction and sustenance of our species; the medium energy bhavaschet ann drives us to acquisitiveness and world of enjoyments; and, intellectual, high energy atta-based, manaschet ann prompts renunciation and is the main food for Purush. All the three types of anns are charged with masculinity and femininity. Soul cannot avail charged ann. Opposite-sex interaction and neutralization is essential to create neutral ann for soul, therefore.

Annad: Meaning food provider in Sanskrit (Ann+d), It is a psychic body made of hollow balloon joined to a hollow tube opening at atmasthal/annasthal, and the latter remaining connected to attadhar (Fig. 1). In the living condition the balloon like head lies within brain and connected to all chakras of head and neck region. It is an active equipment of old age and Purush state for gathering ann from psyche. It collects the food of consciousness from manaschet and bhavaschet in the head region and feeds the attadhar.

Antahkaran: Psychic apparatus running the causal body, psyche or Prakriti. The apparatus is made of tanmatra or subtle semi-elemental fabric of matter It has three primary units or components of energy accumulation besides nadies or consciousness-channels and chakras or consciousness ganglia. Sex organs and large intestine constitute the lower energy packet of ann or kamasthal. It is joined upwards with kamaschet base associated with sternum. Charge and pressure of ann in the unit determines the sex-potential and attraction radiating from kamaschet (Par I, Fig. 1).Ann of the system is viscera-related, atma-sustained, and communicable through radiation of pubic hair up to a distance of 50m (Ref. 1). Most powerful psychic apparatus of man is chest region related to brahm and main body muscles, and frontal fear-ego-plate and rear valor plate are its accumulators. The energy or ann, collected in the two plates, is pumped up by hrit into bhavaschet as radiant ego and emotion in a common, excited man (Ref. 1, fig. 3.5). Space-time is no barrier to this brahm-enforced ann. The same energy of emotion making its way into the head through consciousness channels over the shoulders (Part I, Fig. 1, Fig. 4) in a temperamentally quiet Yogi with a cool mind is absorbed by Purush to accelerate its growth. The upper unit of ann is head; atta is the controlling psychic unit and brain, drawing the ann of muscle power from thoracic cluster of channels (Part I, Fig.1), generates manojav or psychic potential from the drawn out ann. High intensity manaschet uses strength of the ann to command the mind or hypnotize others. Who can command who or who can eat who is determined by the power of manaschet. The three main psychic segments of psyche have key ganglia, chakras or energy-centers and channels of consciousness called nadies for regulating the movement of ann in the body.

Annasthal/Atmasthal/ Kamaschet-sthal: A key ganglion in thorax region (Fig.3).

Asoka: An Emperor of India ca. 260 BC.

Astral body: Subtle spiritual body capable of separating from physical body and traveling in space-time2 .It is Sookshm shareer in classical Sanskrit text.

Atharvaved: One of the four Veds dealing mainly with Tantra for attaining Brahm and Eternal Life thereafter; hence, also named as Brahmaved.

Atma: A – Ego-bound or Body-bound conscious self among alive and active spirits behind the feeling of I’m body or I’m alive. This state is Jeevatma or common soul of man. It has four primary elements: attadhar, atta, brahm and atma that are independent of body; and, are associated with two body elements – Prakriti and Purush. In an old-age routine death, Prakriti with its three elements, associated with attadhar during living, is left behind as passive spirit; and, the attadhar and spirit move out for a new body. In a sudden death, un-accepted by the subconscious that turns into active sprit, attadhar alone moves away for seeking new body. B – A psychic entity free of body and made of attadhar, atta, brahm and atma as discussed in Structure of soul. Size and strength of soul determines the consciousness level in a person. . Persons with small attadhar are commoners, intellectuals and materialists. Those with large and powerful luminous attadhar are mahatmas (nobilities), similar men with dark or melanic attadhar constitute hated, crafty tyrants and terrorizing tycoons

atma: A component of soul responsible for viscera-related feelings like food and reproduction and Rudriya, Sauriya, Manas chakra in the head.

atta: A component of soul related to activity of brain, word-based knowledge and psychic potential. Organs of brain related to it are pons and atta chakra; besides, it has active control over Dev and Prem chakras.

Attadhar: Main body of soul holding together atma, atta and brahm and remaining connected to living self, dead self or psyche and spirits. This component of human soul is a thought-hologram and does not follow the rule of optics. Broadly it is of two types luminous or Sitattadhar and dark/melanic or Malinattadhar. Persons are positive, high in spirits and happiness imparting possessing the first type; and, other are selfish, kill-joys, negative and sadist. Attadhar picks up from nature three independent consciousness bodies and attaches itself for running a human self. These are a large spherical body atta to coordinate the activity of viscera, a pulsating brahm related to muscles and emotions, and a tiny atta associated with brain. Like attadhar, these bodies too are luminous and dark, and minds too are of two of types in the attitude.

Bhavaschet: Psychic organ related to thoracic or middle component of psyche, transacting ego, emotions and feelings (Ref. 1, fig. 3.5).
Brahm: Ego-free or Body-free conscious-self feeling “I’m not body; I am space-time free Brahm, expansive and pervading space-time”. It is an experiential achievement of a Yogi when he ascends above Samadhi and the subconscious spirit ascends to conscious state. A Yogi seated in Brahm lies above Samadhi; and, with emergence of Brahm state, Samadhi disappears and Yogi ‘dies’. Active spirits are freely perceptible in Yogi and Brahm states; and, Brahm state is an active-spirit state joined to psyche and body.
brahm: A pulsating psychic body of attadhar related to muscle-segment of body, cerebellum and brahm chakra of brain.

Braahman, Braahman god: Used here as a technical term to denote a specific state of human consciousness above Brahm in contrast to caste indicators Brahman or Brahmin. Several names designate the experiential state. Abraham and Jehovah are Biblical; others like Vaishvaanar, Abhivimaanaatmaanam and Virajapar are in Upanishads. Purush used in Rigved and Sankhya Sutra to convey an elevated condition the same state in a way, although messed up considerably in refined Sankhya. Purush state is seen here as independent and above the Braahman state. The state comes into existence when a Brahm ‘dies’, his soul and ego-self (head) move away to take a new body leaving behind a combination psyche + annad in association with physical self. The state has two principal units of life at this stage: Prakriti made of psyche + physical self and Purush composed of annad and Atma after the breakdown of Jeevatma and migrating away of spirit. A large number of charged psyches and spirits of different time and space join the Braahman or with Prakriti-Purush duo for transaction of the past karmas: and, B. lives as active psyche state, after departure of the spirit. On account of a large number of psyches with a Brahman, he stands a god and acts like a god more or less. His actions and operations, related to psyches and spirits, are called prajna. Based on the types operations of prajna a Braahman has two states: a lower Abraham state when mooladhar chakra is chief organ and activity centers are sex organs while he deals mostly with human spirits and psyches transacting with the energy of calf muscles; and, a higher Jehovah states when his transactions and oblations are seen as moving to gods, hrit becomes principal transacting chakra and energy storage organs are scapula (upper valor) and buttocks (lower valor). Gods exist as multiple perceptible entities in Jehovah (=Yahu-vah or oblation-carrier) state during offering of oblations. Oblation of one god does not go to the other.

Causal body: Psychic body corresponding to physical self and holding psyche and antahkaran. Ling body or Ling Shareer is its other name.

Chakras: Main centers or Ganglia of consciousness in a psyche (Figs.2, 3) connected through prominent channels called nadies (Figs. 3, 4) These are 18 in number:1-Mooladhar ,2-Kamakhya,3-Nrisingh,4-Ashapurna5-Braham/Shiv,6-Atta 7-Dev/Sahasrar,8-Prem, 9-Manas, 10-Sauriya, 11-Rudra, 12-Vishalakshi, 13-Anna,14-Nabhi,15-Hrit, 16-Vaksh,17-Skandh, 18-Hridaya.

Charged psyches and spirits: Individuals living with intense desires, under duress or suffering even if dying normal deaths leave behind negatively charged, unhappy psyches and spirits who have no rest till their negativity gets neutralized. Sayela, Nefertiti and Devashramana are examples. Some times a whole community is in this state and the dead expect their leader to redress their problem. Dead mob of Amarna had peace after the bigwig of god Amon suffered through me and my rooftop temple of Aton (Sun) was complete. Charged psyches of Mecca-community dying at Basra were at peace after SKS disappeared from my neighborhood.

Consciousness channels: Conduits of ann and command in a psyche (Fig. 4)

Eternal Life: Attainment of Purush-self, which, being a soul, lives eternally.

Five Mahavrats: Five Main Abstentions for strengthening and elevating the soul on the path of Yog and Brahm – 1: killing, 2: untruth, 3: acquisition, 4: thieving and 5: sex indulgence.

Gita: A book of sermons for Hindus.

Harshvardhan: Famous ruler of North India in 614-642 AD.

Hom: A ritual of invoking fire and pouring oblations in it for the gods invoked.

Hrit: Most important Chakra of psyche on the right side in the mirror image position of heart, controlling knowledge, emotions and feelings.

Kamasthal: Sex-related components of a psyche in sex organ region.

Kamaschet: Lower psychic organ in an astral body or spirit related to radiation power of sex. It is associated with sternum and sex radiates from mid-chest,

Kanishk/Kanishka: Title of a Shak Emperor founding Shak Era on the Vernal Equinox 1930 years ago. (Kanis: shining + Shak contract as Kanishk).

Karm/Karma: Psychic component of actions performed by a person and resultant attributes carried forward by his/her soul manifesting as negative (unhappiness) and positive (happiness) in future lives. We perform satkarms (good acts) as also nishiddh or prohibited acts besides indulging in kamya or lustful acts. Those with regulated life have daily chores as also specific rituals for purifying the self – nitya and naimittik karms. Karms are individual (vyashti) as also of community (samashti). Usually karms don’t fructify immediately; instead they accumulate (sanchit karms) before fructification (prarabdh karms). Gap between the sanchit and prarabdh karms is several thousand years some times (e.g. of Dansatim). Carrier of karms is soul and not body, and it is the soul that loses or gains energy in the ultimate settlement of good or bad deeds. Karms fall under into two types in view of their results: Sukrit are the acts adding to manojav, and duskrit depleting manojav.

Manojav: Psychic potential: related to strength of soul and effectiveness of mantras used by a ritualistic man to deliver the results. High manojav is associated with elevated souls. Manojav has little relationship with intelligence. Intelligence is an attribute of brain and memory. Manojav is generated in upper or head segment of a psyche by manaschet, spirit and soul.

Manusmriti: A book of conduct for Hindus commencing about 8000 years ago. Earliest verses indicate same level of life as Catal Hoyuk (translated by me from chapters 2, 3 and 6 in Science of Consciousness p.166-168)

Mantra: A psychic energy generating syllable, word or stanza used for repeated recitation to accumulate ‘psychic-energy-mass’ for purification of self, rituals for improving manojav or for destruction of enemy in Tantra. Accumulation of mantra-power is with astral body or spirit and, hence, it is carried forward life after life. Also, some mantras have restrictions of community and caste etc in their use. Further, a mantra becomes effective only after a person reciting them completes a certain number. For Gayatri Mantra this number is 24x24000.

Mooladhar (Chakra): Main consciousness ganglion of body located at the base of the spinal chord (Fig.-2). All members of the same sex in a species are connected through mooladhar and the ganglion is responsible for instinctive behavior among individuals of a species. In man, mooladhar of an individual is connected also with his/her earlier spirits and helps to draw psychic energy of past for survival in illness etc in the present.

Moksh: means liberation. An observation of Purush state shows that a Purush, living as a soul, remains liberated from death and birth. He’s in Moksh state.

Nadi: Channels of consciousness in a psyche or causal body (Fig. 3, 4) turning operative at will in Braahman and Purush states.

Passive spirit: Psyches left behind after death, even if charged, constitute low energy psychic bodies felt in Brahm state as excited objects only during religious festivities of their communities. They constitute passive spirits. They appear as imperceptible normally, but under certain situations, like the passive spirits of Ajanta caves, they can overpower mentally even powerful living minds. Such weak psyches or passive spirits preserve within themselves desires, which, only when fulfilled, will provide succor to them. Such was the case of passive spirit-clusters of Amarna and Kaba. Even individually, passive spirits continue to suffer and drive individuals to act for their peace, e.g. Sayela.

Prajna: Psychic operations carried out by a Braahman in transacting with psyches, spirits and individuals to transfer ann or settling unhappy past.

Prakriti: Body component of a living person – physical body and psyche. Psyche is made of 8 invisible elements: Mool-Prakriti (ann), intellect, ego and five tanmatras (subtle-elements) - earth, water, air, fire and space. Body adds to them another sixteen – five gross elements, five sense organs, five organs of action and instinct (man). Sankhya defines Moksh as freedom of Pur. from Prak.

Purush: Purush denotes self or soul component of human life in contrast to Prakriti or body that feels as alive on account of association with Purush. In a live person it is made of two invisible units – attadhar or soul and its food-supplier annad (Fig 1).Typically the ann rises from thorax region of Prakriti to Ronaldo-fissure of head through skandh-nadies (Part I, fig. 1). It is collected by annad and passed on to attadhar (Fig. 1 ).Again, all the heads are connected with one another and a person operating in Purush state can draw ann from any head in prajna if due to him in karmas because ‘Purush is thousand headed, growing fast by ann’3. Purush state differs from Brahman god state in its operation. Soul operates Purush; and, Psyche operates Braahman god state.

Rigved: Main among four Veds with over 10,000 mantras paying 60+ deities.

Samadhi: èSamadhi (Yog).

Samadhi-sthal/Samadhi: A place where a Yogi’s soul departed from his body.

Sankhya: A system of learning related to Prakriti, Purush and Moksh.

Sarasvatee: A river goddess initially, turning into goddess of learning and enlightenment later; most popular Vedic deity.

Tantra: means ‘to rule or keep under command’ through psychic energy instead of carrots and sticks. Operations of Prajna and Tantra remain same. Prajna is carried out by a Braahman for dealing with the psyches and spirits of past. Fallen penance-men, called Tantrists conduct Tantra for worldly gains.

Tantrist: An operator of Tantra.

Ved /Veda: Books of ancient wisdom containing prayers of gods and prescriptions of worship, rituals and Hom. They are four in number – Rived, Yajurved, Samved and Aharvaved.

Vedant/Vedanta: Vedic literature focusing on attainment of Samadhi, Brahm, Braahman and Purush states.

Yog: A discipline of learning for people of high manojav. It leads to control over the ‘perturbations’ and excitements in conscious self initially and to Purush state ultimately. The subject has a thorough practical pursuit of steps that lead ultimately to null-mind-mediation over half an hour. Yog is the primary requirement for the one on the path of Brahm or Moksh. It is a practical training and has nothing to do with religion or sect, even though Five Mahavrats are essential for the one contemplating on success in different activities of Yog. Those who are still in the grip of evil forces like anger, fear, pride, hatred and jealousy will find Five Mahavrats a hard chore for adhering. Solar energy, absolute detachment from any intoxicant, starvation and hard physical and mental exercises appear to be most vital factors in making of a Yogi. Semidry tropical climate with fewer trees and an isolated place near a riverbank constitute ideal setting for an ascetic student of Yog who, to the mind of the author, should best be in thirties or early forties; and, determined to live on a single spice-free meal not exceeding 1200 Calories. Pursuit of Yog is futile beyond latitudes 35o and in high rain-fall domains.

Actions or exercise in Yog is grouped under eight steps and unless the lower step is nearly perfect, the upper step does not yield desired results.

1. Yam: Withdrawing of mind from multiple worldly desires and exerting control over its instinctive reactions.

2. Niyam: Observing and conducting regulated life of rigors and prayers mostly under sun.

3. Asan: Conduct specific physical exercises for enhancing potential and power of muscles and bones.

4. Pranayam: Exercise to deny oxygen to lungs for enhancing anaerobic respiration and activating desired parts of brain for adapting lower levels of oxygen for slowing down its activity. Standard breath is one and half minutes for a minimum of 10 deep breaths during exercise.

Pratyahar: Restricting the wandering mind from multitude of topics arousing feelings and emotions to a few non-emotional themes, e.g., derivation of words in pratyahars of Sanskrit grammar. The step also implies a radical cut down of physical food and enhance intake of food of consciousness through isolation, starvation and silence.

Dharana: It is an exercise for freeing mind from emotive objects and focusing neutral thoughts on limited subjects. Holding and locking mind on a neutral, emotion-free memorization of aphorisms of Sanskrit grammar is a handy tool. Dhyan: Process of null-mind meditation by cutting the body segment from brain through applying ‘thought pressure’ on Ashapurna-sthal area at the base of the brain. Initially, it results in splitting headache but gradually null-mind-meditation sets in. After meditation has crossed duration of over 15 minutes, Pranayam should be discontinued.

Samadhi: Last step in Yog characterized by over half an hour of null-mind-meditation accompanied by at least 25% fall in pulse rate and 2° F in temperature. Pulse rate may become 0 and body temperature close to that of atmosphere in prolonged a Samadhi. The stage looks somewhat akin to the hibernation among animals during winter.

1: One who is omniscient, all-knowledgeable and knowledge-radiating; from that are born Brahm (invisible self), name-form (body) and ann (their food). Mund. 1.1.9.

2: FOX, O. 1962: Astral Projections, 160p. University Books Inc., New York.

3: Purush embodies thousands of heads, eyes and legs (of all men); Covering earth and worlds (unseen), he’s seated firmly in ‘ten-finger’(Ronaldo-fissure of brain). Purush is all past and future (pervading); and, the very Lord of Immortality grows fast by ann (availed from thousands of heads (man-ann), bodies (bhav-ann), and legs (kam-ann). Rik.10.90. 1- 2.