Part – III

Rise of luminous gods

Section 2: Wounds of the present

She is my killed wife

A girl in desperation

A married girl entered in my home on October 20, 2001 – lonely and with her head covered with a scarf in a typical Muslim style. Her husband and son were not with her, and her look was distressing. She had come to us for our advice and guidance without informing her parents. We were her hope in the misery sinking  the life of Sabina.

Sabina’s conditions changed fast in the home of her husband soon after her last visit to us in 1999. Initially it was   a discomfort, which turned soon into persecution by the mother-in-law. Her husband was unable to oppose the atrocities of his mother upon his wife and son. Consequences were obvious. Their marriage moved on the rails of failure very fast. Sabina had no option but to leave the home of her husband and get back to the parents to avoid survival in a humiliating situation.

Woes of the girl were no less distressing even in the home of her parents. Her father was very noble but helpless before her mother who was deadly against her marriage in Muslim community. It was now her turn to make the daughter to suffer for marrying a Muslim boy against her wishes. The girl had to be a mother of her second child when she reached her parents.  The old lady saw her daughter as a burden and her next child adding to it. The mother in spite of her unwillingness imposed an abortion upon her. Misery and desperation drove the lovely girl, playing at our home in her childhood, to my new home when she was in thirties. She wanted some advice to cope up with the stress sinking her into depression.

 My instructions to Sabina were brief and straight after she was lighter at heart, pouring her miseries in my head.

  “First thing you have to do is to throw away the scarf of your head. You are a daughter of the home; and, I have never seen you in such a bad form earlier. You were an ever happy child. You have to behave like our daughter and become the same smiling girl once again,” I said and continued “You are a well educated and well qualified teacher. Take up a job in some respectable school of our town. And, be very clear in your mind, you have addressed us as mummy-papa in your childhood; and, for us you are our daughter who is not a burden at all. If you feel you are not respected  while staying with your parents, come to us with your son and stay here. This house is as much as yours as ours; and, do not hesitate even for a moment to be with us whenever you feel like .Our loneliness will melt away with your coming.”

  The consoled child left our home through the side door. She was looking intently at Kaba room before walking on the car passage to the gate.

My wife raised an unexpected question   minutes after departure of Sabina, “Why did you tell her that she can stay in the Kaba room? After all she is staying with her parents; and, unless you have talked to them, it is not fair to invite her to stay with us.” 

I was astonished. “It is not so at all; it is you who invited her to come to us.   I heard you telling her to come and stay in the room,” I replied.

Situations and experiences were not new to us when communications are heard without speaking.

 On her visit to my home, the girl alone had thought of staying in the room to combat her misery if it worsened. Hrits of we three were connected and communicative. The girl and my wife were the two bodies of the same soul.  The two together were my wife at the level of psyche and spirit. If the girl thought of staying in the Kaba room her feelings were available to my wife as well as me simultaneously.

 In worldly transactions of the event involving the minds of trio, I ‘heard’ my wife telling the girl to stay in Kaba room while vice versa was with my wife. It was possible only if a single soul supported the two females – my wife ‘dead’ on October 10, 1963 and her new life born 6 years after the incidence. I was their husband at the level of psyche. My hrit remained joined to theirs under the rule of nature. Husband-wife pair is a single self at the level of psyche.