Part – II

Ire of gods and sorrow of souls

Section 3: Sorrowful souls

Doomed beloved

Petrified love

A wealthy widow hired me for carving a statue of Buddha at the Buddhist monastery of Sarnath in Fifth Century AD where I was a hired mercenary and worked as a sculptor too during leisure. I made it for her.  She met me in the present life as a ‘shameless mother’ in early nineties, and I recognized her as the widow hiring me to carve the statue (1). It also came to light that passions built up in both of us during our past lives when the idol was under carving for about six years. They did not die or disappear but remained preserved as such in our charged psyches left behind at Sarnath; and, they hit us with full force in our present life when we met in 1991.

A psyche can only store passions generated through activity of sense and body organs and remain charged under its impact, like a battery, when the physical bodies responsible for passion separate out. When bereft of physical body, our charged psyches or spirits can neither consummate passion nor can they get rid of desires to conjugate.  We could consummate them only in a new life after we meet again and our souls, spirits, psyches and physical bodies trigger required reaction for clearing our past karmas with or without physical involvement. Attractions, passions and desire to mate were the ‘sins’ committed by the widow who ordered for making Buddha in stone  and her sculptor who carved the statue. They were sticking to both of us and continued with our psyche without decay or disintegration for over 1600 years. It was a hell our desire-tied, charged psyches had to live. We were out of the hell, anyway, soon after our meeting in 1991.

Hades for Devashramana, the cute girl with thick lips, could not be over so easily, however, when she met me in her present life nearly a year after Jyoti, the then widow of Sarnath.  Deva was my model for sculpting the prophet of Buddhism. New life of my model was before me soon after I had consummated the passions of Jyoti and freed myself from her bondage of past.

Most commonly advertised Buddha to promote tourist rush for Sarnath is carved based on the body and face of Devashramana. Power of love behind the serene smile of happiness on the lips of the tender girl in teens has forced the lips in her statue to emulate as she looked to me. She posed before me over 1600 years ago to live as the most famous statue of Buddha in India for ever. When I photographed the idol during the seventies of the last century, I did not know who its sculptor was.

Devashramana had to live worse misery than   Jyoti and me even in her present life without any of her mistakes from the days of carving statue till several years after meeting me. Her desires to mate with her lover sculptor – natural for the past Buddhist nun – could never materialize; and her passions of the past remained unquenched. Her psyche turned to be a victim of a tradition of carving statues of Buddha based on feminine models and turning them as masculine by carving chest in place of breasts of   the models. Subsequently a Tantric ritual of Shakti-paat (energy-charging) between the statue and the model charged the statues with power to attract persons with the forceful expression and feelings for ever.  It is a mantra-tied charm tying the psyche of the model to remain joined to the idol. Had Devashramana not turned into an idol of Buddha she would have a free life for transacting with her past lover without any problems like Jyoti. My idolizing Deva into a Buddha and energy charging of Buddha doomed her.