Part – II

Ire of gods and sorrow of souls

Section 2: Gods admonish

Siva, Lonkha and Blei

Principal deity

One has no restriction or limitation on the number of his worshipped gods in the Hindu religion. It has a convention of principal god of worship, however. Siva is my principal deity; and, to my satisfaction his worship continued in my family without any dislodgement from my alien Swati. Somehow the god remained out of bounds for my adversary while she was fighting hard to dislodge my family deity. – Lord Vishnu.

I had an evaluation about the relationship between myself and my principal deity when I concluded my attrition with my aliens including Swati on May 12 ’08. Entry in my notebook under title ‘The last oblation’ reads “This morning dream (was) very revealing. The darkish priest of the Siva temple says ‘I am completing your last ritual of oblations. After this you have to die.’ He put three oblations in the fire (one by one). The third was largest and ball like. There was a bright light as it fell in the fire, absolutely white, illuminating three Siva statues – small, medium and big. The last was emitting similar white flames as that of oblation. I have reached my end now.”

Seemingly, I was working as a base medium of god Siva between evening of 28.11.88 performing first ritual for my safety till the dream on the night of May 11/12 when a priest offers my last oblation to the god.. The priest indicated that my death is to follow soon after the dream. It possibly relates to my death as his medium and end of my battle against dark gods, not physical death

 I have worshipped Siva as principal deity in my past lives. The trend has continued even in the present.  He was the god fore-seeing my peril in the temple of Sibsagar on 23.11. 88; and, he steered me to safety on 12.5.08 when his priest declared my normal death in the present life.