Part – II

Ire of gods and sorrow of souls

Section 2: Gods admonish

Siva, Lonkha and Blei

Let us talk about god

A few years ago two young persons – a girl and a boy – pressed my doorbell and were in my office when I opened the door. I looked at them inquisitively, and the male responded “Let us talk about god and his grace upon us. We are visiting people on this mission. ”

“Have you met God any time?” I asked, aware what the reply will be.


“Do you know anyone who met your god after Christ?”


“I am happy your replies are truthful. When a person talks about god and his universal oneness, you can be sure he believes in Him and is convinced about existence of such an object. Those who experience what god is don’t talk about him; they live in silence with full knowledge that there are dozens of them. But those who talk of one god are the blinds trying to spread blind-cult among illogical, faith-driven and emotional minds through proselytizing.  My father tried very hard for over twenty years to meet god – sitting in penance between three in morning and twelve noon on the bank of river Ganges. God eluded him and wasn’t available to him till death. Can you tell me why? ”

The man was looking at my face with disbelief because it implied that propagators of Christianity, the writers of gospels, were talking only for propagating of a blind cult in the name of God without any real knowledge about what god is.

I solved his disbelief in my reply when I said “My father did not reach experiential perception of god because he was not a yogi. None can know what god is without going through the channel of Yogi, Brahm and Abraham or Braahman. You may see me in your thirties when you can subsist easily on one time vegetarian meal of 1200 Calories. I shall help you to become a yogi. Living with two square meals cannot take anyone on the path of Yog; and, surely, never to the height of starvation where gods dwell. You are wasting your time in talking on a subject that lies beyond human mind or intellect. Instead, you may enjoy a good novel and take up some projects of community benefit for your leisure time.”

They were not convinced about what I said, but they left me hurriedly like dumb children.

I recounted of an occasion in summer of 1985 when I was in Saputara – a little hill station of Gujarat. I was talking about Brahm to a Yogi in Brahm state, playing with his monkey near a stack of bricks gathered by him to make a Siva temple. Person was with hardly any clothes on his body and in happy state of mind.

“Brahm has turned quite unreal these days,” he said and continued “There are so many talks and publications about him around us. Brahm has turned into paper – as dead as paper. Let us not talk about Brahm; it is a state of enjoying silence. One seated in Brahm enjoys his existence; he does not talk about it. Om namah Shivaya.”

His talk of few sentences concluding with prostrations to Siva, hinted that I should keep quiet and quit. He was neither a talkative Buddha, nor an arguing Sankar high up on intellectual plane; nor, was he one in the herds of missionaries of one-god cult of Middle East on rampage, laden with talks and swords together after the zero date of Christian era. The Yogi was enjoying his existence in a tranquil, undisturbed consciousness regime of silence, unwilling even to talk a few words about Brahm or god. Letter of the hysterical man figuring in a foregoing page would suggest a similar attitude of my own: don’t disturb my silence by talking with me. Let anyone not meet and talk to me – be it about world or god, I feel. Silence is a wealth, far more enjoyable than mind exciting materials around. A word generates unwanted ripples in a wave-free-pond of silent mind.

The Yogi remembered only Siva on the occasion. Siva is the god sitting on the apical point of penance for the Yogis reaching in Brahm or higher states. Siva is a Pre-Vedic deity, originating some 40,000 years ago as a menhir to mark the annual movement of sun (3). Earliest lathe-finished typical phallus of god Siva is around 4200 years old. A pair of phalluses are installed in the solar-movement-house of Dholavira  to mark the north-south motion of sun (19).

Why Siva is principal deity of Yog has a simple answer. Manojav or psychic potential has little to do with word- communicated knowledge, intelligence or intellect meant for worldly wealth. Siva is god of renunciation – an attribute of Self or Purush. Renunciation leads to elevating of human subconscious mind in a speechless regime through assimilation  of sex-power (kamaschet), emotion power (bhavaschet) and mantra-power (manaschet). Siva represents assimilating  power of the three attributes together. Siva is, therefore, the god of Manojav or psychic potential, Yog, Brahm and Purush.