Part – II

Ire of gods and sorrow of souls

Section 2: Gods admonish

God Ved

Filth in Western minds

Ghosh has been a well known Vedic erudite of India during the last century. His view about the Vedic culture may be taken as the best understanding of the Vedic people and their times as ingrained in an Indian mind through the analysis of Vedas by the Western pundits. In his story (p.412) “the tone of Atharvaved is altogether different. Here the Brahmin priest is addressing his social inferiors from whom he need not turn off the shady side of his character. Thus in the hymn on the ‘Brahmana’s wife’ (Brahmjaya) the priest has demanded a remarkable privilege for his class (AV, V.17. 8): Even though there were ten non-Brahman previous husbands of a woman, the Brahman alone becomes her husband if he seizes her hand [Explanatory note of the author: In rendering passages of Atharvaved I have, as far as possible, followed Whitney’s translation, though it is wooden and purely etymological; for whatever it may be in other respects, it is at least literally correct] (14).

In conformity with above view we also see an instruction to a Braahman in an Upanishad of Yajurved. A verse of Upanishad reads in a literal translation like above (Brih.4.4.21) “A learned Brahmin after understanding him (soul) should conduct prajna”. Prajna too is explained literally in a verse as “weapon kills a man bodily alone, but prajna his family, prosperity and fame as well” (15).

Obviously, not only the Brahmins of Atharvaved were atrocious to the non-Brahmins around, even the bards staying forests and discussing Upanishads or dwelling on Brahm and highest pursuits during later periods of life were doing the same. Their books –Upanishads – advised them to carry out annihilation of families, prosperity and fame of non-Brahmins. 

What an irony of nonsense in the pervert minds of the Western pundits and their blatant Indian followers who were blindly educated in Western culture without taking note of Vedic environment on their own Indian soil! They have translated Veds and interpreted Vedic culture even when they flout the dictum of Patanjali that debars them   to touch Veds due to their incompetence in Panini grammar. Equally contributive is their bluff in distorting the Vedic cult. Example is Ghosh himself, cited above. He is bluffing outright when he says, “the hymn on the ‘Brahmana’s wife’ (Brahmjaya)”. There are three essential components of Vedic prayers mentioned with each of them: bard, god and meters. Bard is Mayobh and goddess is Brahmjaya in the prayer cited by Ghosh.

Brahmjaya is a goddess and not a human being to consider her  as a wife of a Brahmin. She is a god in the category of five-beings – gods, men, Gandharvas, Uragas and Pitri. It is shear madness if author refers her in context of human beings and coins an imaginary story as well to convey an arrogant Brahmin’s shady character and claim of being a husband of non-Brahmin’s wife. Jaya means wife in Sanskrit. Brahma is most powerful god in Atharvaved; and, goddess Brahmjaya is wife of Brahma. Brahmjaya is synonymous with Sarasvatee.

Worst, Sanskrit word used in the verse is Brahma and not Brahman. Neither translator of the verse Whitney nor his ardent follower Ghosh knows the difference between Brahma and Brahman in view of the composer of the hymn, it may be said. Brahma is in the category of gods not men. Again, the word used in the verse (ekadha) means once and not only. Ghosh, however, asserts ‘it is at least literally correct.’ An Indian blind of Sanskrit grammar is certifying the sharp vision of a Western blind without understanding Panini grammar! The cited verse of Ghosh portrays a situation of exorcizing where god Brahma pulls out a victim of possession of multiple spirits to normalcy. In the same situation god Christ has saved a female victim from the possession of four males (husbands) in a recent case (16).

 Vedic cult has such a sinister understanding in the minds of West and their eastern counterparts. Unqualified people undertook translations of Veds to make name and money through sale of books with exotic ideas about the ancient cult; and, their slave Indians were their abettors.   I translate three verses of the prayer, one before and other succeeding the cited verse, to show that Brahmjaya is a goddess and not a human. It is grammatically constrained and relevant to the situation of a ritual of exorcizing.

Those who drive away pregnant women, make people disappear (through coercion), warriors who kill each other, Brahmjaya kills them (st.7).

Once ten earlier non-Brahmin husbands (lowly spirits) of a woman (see that) her hand is held by god Brahma, he turns her husband, (and others leave) (st.8).

(God) Braahman alone is the husband of goddess Brahmjaya and not a royal or a commoner; so has said god Sun to five-beings (gods, men etc.) (st.9)

Word Braahman, used in the verse as a technical term, denotes the spiritual state of a man. It arrives when a person of Brahm state dies, without physical death, in a psychic transformation. Brahm turns into a   Braahman after Brahmajanman. He is a live person reaching in the category of effulgent gods like Brahma or Sun. It is a change from the spirit state of Brahm to a pre-Purush state in a living person through psycho-metamorphosis. Only the mind changes from perceiving ‘I am Brahm’ to ‘I am dead’ when such a psycho-metamorphosis sets in from Brahm to Braahman (Box 1). Term Braahman is grammatically correct in derivation to denote such a change. It means ‘born out of a Brahm’ Box 1).

 Technical term Brahmajanman denotes changes from a commoner to Yogi, from Yogi to Brahm, and from Brahm to Braahman. The three categories include all the four castes of Hindus besides men belonging to other religions. In many verses of Upanishads and Atharvaved, Braahman has no relation with Brahmin caste. Any person could be a yogi, a Brahm or a Braahman.

Braahman state is most important among these transformations. A person becomes a god and treats all feminine spirits and goddesses like wives. Ten husbands is a phrase and such a situation does exist in Braahman state. A Braahman becomes the only husband of a woman with ten other husbands around her (in psychic domain). The case is discussed elsewhere (1). It is a part of prajna, which includes tens of similar situations and operations.

Most important aspect in the activity of a god Braahman relates to the feeling in the mindset and worldview while conducting prajna.  He is no more a part of the present world during the operations of prajna. A Braahman lives essentially as a psyche among the dead – spirits and gods – but operates in the present life for souls and gods as their mediums. He has little to do with the present selves of the persons around him.

 Problem of the Western mind is their inability to understand that a human self operates in two states of existence – human and godly or Braahman. They know nothing of experiential states of Samadhi in a Yogi, or about still higher states like Brahm, Braahman or Purush. Their minds cannot imagine functions of Braahman god and operations of prajna. Western pundits cannot see anything except filth in Braahman, prajna and Vedic cult. Imagine what the West propounds about taking to forest in Vaan-prasth (forest-dwelling) sate of   Vedic bards in pursuit of Upanishad cult! “Escape from the village to the forest was due, first of all, to considerations of safety. At a time when social contradictions grew, the priests were afraid to indulge in high contemplations before the eyes of the people, and still more were they afraid of the people beginning to contemplate themselves; they were afraid of the people’s free thought.”(17). Western authors  imagine only about social  setups and conditions typical  of harsh climates of snow covered countries of their abode  and  with typical mindsets   of harsher men of lowly manojav running for occupation of lands, snatching away wealth and enslaving  people to subjugate them.

Western mind cannot imagine that penance and isolation were valued and respected traits in India for higher achievements in the psychic domain; and, the same situation still continues in the country without any restrictions.