Part – II

Ire of gods and sorrow of souls

Section 1: Punishments of goddesses

Solar-movement deity Kaba

Pantheon goddess

Commencing around 4200 years ago and continuing as late as 1200 years ago concept of Pantheon deities emerged as common in the Indo-Mediterranean region. Goddess Aditi – the mother of gods – was a prominent figure of the cult during the Vedic period, who was prayed as “Aditi is heavens, she is horizon, she is mother, he is father and son as well; Aditi is world-gods, Five-men, Aditi is born and to be born (Rik. 1.89.10). 4300 through 3900 years ago was hay day of Indus valley civilization, and the then agricultural country was dotted with temples called solar movement houses. Crops and harvesting were dependent on solar movement from solstice to solstice; and, the temples were seats of information related to solar positions and seasons. The cult of vegetarianism, bath and piety prevailed those days with shaven mustache and flowing beard, exhibited by the figurines and statues of Harappan civilization (3).

A Karu (Keeper) deciphered the solar movement in the sun temple of Dholavira, form solstice to solstice,   with the help of a pair of lathe finished phalluses.  Such an apparatus was more convenient in the area north of Tropic of Cancer. In the Sun temple Mecca a black Kaba stone with a foot long clitoris and a hole replaced the Phallus of Dholavira. The apparatus was Kaba. She represented the vulva of Pantheon goddess Aditi giving birth to god Sun. Pattern of beard and basic restrictions for observing piety on the one visiting the solar temple and getting baptized there in the sun cult were common from Dholavira through Kaba.  Kaba temple had 365 idols before its iconoclastic taking over by Islam and disposing off the Karu – the astronomer. The figurines were for counting 360 days of moving sun from summer solstice to summer solstice. Five or six days of Aditi added to them to complete a year. These days were nearly of stationary sunbeam on the hole of Kaba during Summer Solstice. On the other 360 days the beam, falling on the ground from a hole in the roof, was moving to north and south. 

 The event of iconoclastic change brought down curtain on the Pantheon goddess Aditi-Kaba and Vedic cult of Mecca besides destruction of the 360 statues of the solar movement house and sacking of its head priest or Karu (astronomer).

Name Kaba as also Harappan beard of the people baptized in the temple of Sun survives even today. Pilgrims visiting Kaba and performing ritual there are regarded as elevated and more respectable. They talk of piety and some of the five principles of righteousness surviving from Vedic days.  The solstice-indicator black stone and its marking meant for clear spotting of sun beam falling upon is it not illustrated anywhere;  only  a story circulates about its gift by Moses.