Part – I


Section 3: Volcano goddess on rampage

Technology trounces possession

Battlefield Bombay

I planned a dinner in the lawns of a big hotel of Dehradun on the blue moon of July ’96. It was to mark the closing ceremony of a conference on micropaleontology organized by me. Expenses for the dinner were high and I thought of availing the funds from V. B., C&MD, ONGC. I had asked for an appointment of five minutes from him for my requirement, but his office   communicated its duration as half an hour.

 C&MD readily agreed for the dinner and its expenses, besides accepting my invitation to be present in the party.

In turn, there was a proposal for me to move to Mumbai as Head of Exploration Business Group. Besides technical responsibility of looking after the entire exploration and exploitation activity of the oil and gas in the Arabian Sea of the Western Offshore of India, there were   two lingering contracts worth 7 billion rupees. These were to be finalized at the earliest. His assignments for me were of lesser concern; my worry related to something that I could not discuss with the C&MD. It was the strengthening of possessive and conjugative force of Swati. Bombay contains very large population of girls. Swati was going to use the female force to finish me in conjugal interaction during a year and half of my likely stay at Mumbai, I visualized. 

V. B. belonged to Kamrup and his suggestion were no less than a lethal doze of poison for dragging me closer to death. He surely was a medium of Swati. She had forced upon me my first debacle of career through V. B. in September ’95 when I slipped promotion first time after 33 years of service. Was the goddess not furthering her next move for my funeral through the same person of Kamrup?

My situation was of helplessness but to say no to C&MD was shear cowardice and kneeling down in fear before Swati. Who dares wins I didn’t forget. After all I had lived for seven years after my first mating with the alien spirit in January ’89. I accepted the offer of C&MD as price of my blue moon dinner.

While people were enjoying their dinner on the lawns of Hotel Aketa on the penultimate day of July ‘96, my mind was busy in defense preparations at Mumbai, reaching there next month end.  I joined at Mumbai as the Head, Exploration Business Group, Western Offshore, to brave the Buddhist Tantra and   possession of goddess Swati in August ‘96.