Section 2: Live and let live

You’ve earned your wages


Malun must die once again

I was back from Varanasi in August ’89 with an assurance from an astrologer for a long life and better things in life between 62 and 80 years. Ever continuing presence of Malun with me, however, would not let my mind rest in peace.  The spirit was defeated and I survived; but, the active spirit would not withdraw from me and let me not feel free from her. She drew energy from me even now due to conjugal connection; only its quantum was low and sexual contacts of the spirit were less frequent. There were many females around me in the psychic domain and many mediums representing Malun physically. Analyzing the situation for a cogent action was beyond me. So I thought to live for some time evaluating the situation and take action at an opportune time. I only increased the intake of dry fruits and milk-based sweets for energy requirements for conjugal transactions. I was less worried, however,   about the availability of psychic food of manojav from the people around. My rivals were too many, and I drew it from them without any problems.

A year was over since our communion in January 1989 but I saw little improvement in   the situation. I discovered by now that spirits feel they’ve right to hunt living men for their food of consciousness to sustain themselves. Relationship between the spirits and human beings was that of   predator and prey.  I was a prey for the spirit cluster associated with Malun and the two goddesses parching upon her. My problems with Malun and her goddesses would not come to an end so long I’m a physically living, I reasoned. Sucking out my energy by them, through attachment of changing mediums one after the other, was continuing though the amount of energy transfer was lower since departure of   29C.

 Haunting spirits over my head would continue till my death, when they expect me to become an active spirit free from body to   give company to Malun. It was my sad and depressing conclusion in August ’90 – a year after my visit to Varanasi. I was surviving as a food item for a happier survival of my enemies. They were milking my manojav as we milk a cow.

Only way out for me was to kill Malun once again through another Abhichar meant for spirits. It is called Rakshohan or killing a spirit. Rule prohibiting the murder of a female did not apply to the active spirit of Malun living for 1200 years.  No one can kill spirits but the ritual weakens the active spirit considerably, restricting them from harassing a person or even disabling them from harmful activity for long periods.   I was convinced that my action and ritual will make Malun weak and ineffective.

A ritual of Hom (oblations in fire) was planned against Malun invoking God Fire under the rites in Atharva Ved. It was September ’90 when my operation against Malun for riddance from her and the ghost and spirits surrounding the active spirit commenced. It continued for twenty-one days in pre-dawn hours.  There was no hindrance and it completed flawlessly. It did not affect my adversary immediately, however. We know that such rituals fructify routinely within 90 to 160 days. I was hopeful of seeing the end of Malun soon, although it was doubtful if the two goddesses anchoring on her would also be affecte