Section 2: Live and let live


Religion induced misdeeds


Abuses and condemnations

 Mandan was back to Varanasi from Kedarnath and realized his blunder of killing the queen on a planted misinformation. Complete story was available to him at Kashi to make his heart heavy. Killer of the unparalleled ascetic of Indian soil was not the queen of Kamrup. A beguiled courtier of the queen had projected it so to Mandan.  Guplong had befooled Mandan by engaging him on a wrong target in his battle of Tantra for killing Sankar. It was to avoid any ritual against his own life from Sankar’s team. Mandan had carried out a heinous act foolishly in saving the life of Sankar due to emotion pumped by religion. 

Abhichar is a high-energy ritual, eating the psychic energy of the performer almost equivalent to the remaining life of the person to be killed; and, is prohibited strictly in the conduct of a ritualistic man.  Mandan also had earned another dastardly sin of killing a woman, prohibited in Hindu cult. Guplong befooled and sunk him in sinful karmas of worst type. He should not have acted on a planted hearsay.

  I would not be in a position to consume my sins as Mandan without a prolonged suffering, or losing my own life as Malun desired, I thought for a while in my trip to Kedarnath with Malun on my head. It was proving very depressing. Soon, a bitter communication from Malun’s spirit to Sankar drenched me with icy waters of shame splashed by her upon his Samadhi.

Malun was bitter, very much venomous and vulgar. The queen addressed the ascetic “You, the chatterbox, did not know that words of intellect are no swords to fight. You had to be educated at my palace in Kamrup that Tantra is supreme power, not a useless talk and time killing discussion of yours. Had you not run away from Kamrup, you would have learnt the lesson yourself then and there instead of your deputy in his present life. I wanted to see you licking the vulva of Lonkha as a punishment for entering in my capital with intention of winning over my people high up in Tantra.  Tantra operates in silence and the participants in fight judge themselves the victor and the vanquished. Tantrists are no barking dogs like you surrounded by a few dumb ones who judge the best barker.”

Spirits too have feelings. There was substance in the emotion charged accusation of Malun. Sankar made a blunder in attacking the Tantra center of Kamrup with his weapon of philosophy and argumentation. If Sankar wanted to win the queen in a crusade and convert the Buddhists of Kamrup into Hindus and his action was legitimate, action of Guplong and Malun too was justified in self-defense. He alone was the main culprit of the tragedy resulting into four murders and assembly of four active spirits at his Samadhi, I judged.

There is a tragedy of human mind at the base of the whole episode, anyway. A conqueror does not stop till defeated or killed.  Sankar was defeated in his mission of converting Buddhists of Kamrup into Hindus and killed for his misadventure of  attacking the Tantra wizards of Kamrup.

 Snowing had set in Kedarnath as the communication from my alien to Sankar pierced into my head free of barrier.

My wife and I rushed out fast for a shelter in a shop for our comfort.