Section 2: Live and let live


Religion induced misdeeds


Four spirits at Kedarnath

A  Braahman god needs a set of situations to recount past memories and emotional transactions of his karmas. First of these is the soul with a base or living body; the second is the place related to the transaction; and, the third includes persons associated with the incidence. Malun had met me at Urvashi as an active spirit and joined me with a possessed body of 29C to become communicative with me mentally. I came to know in the spring of 1993 that her soul had even a body of her own at Vadodara in the same age group as 29C (and that she used it for psychic communication with me). Such a body represents principal-self of the soul, acquired routinely by the soul in transmigration from one life to another. An active spirit like Malun also takes a body after a long or short span of time. It is active-spirit-self of the same soul. Their functions are somewhat different. Principal-self is carrier of basic nature and standard normal operations of life. The active-spirit-self has a focused goal of completing forcing desires and actions of   past life at the time of distressed death, which did not allow separation of spirit from the psyche; and the two together turned into an active spirit for revenging the past. When Mandan killed Malun, her anger was against four: me who killed her, Sankar whose arrival in Kamrup caused her death, Guplong who sacrificed Malun to  save himself from Abhichar of Mandan  and his courtier who acted on the command of Guplong to inform Mandan that queen would kill Sankar.

Active spirit of Malun on my head dragged me to the Samadhi-sthal of Sankaracharya in the last week of October 1991, the day it snowed in Kedarnath temple for the first time in the year. Kedarnath is a famous temple of Siva in snowy Himalayas nearly 100 kilometers the north of Dehradun.  A small, room sized Samadhi of Sankar lies a little to the north of the main temple, and hardly anybody knows about the relevance of the shrine or visits it. Hindus remain ignorant, and somewhat ungrateful to the great figure behind the existing cult and culture of their society based on the values of Gita. Sankar died near Kedarnath sinking into a thick pile of snow under the impact of tortuous Buddhist Tantra of bleeding piles and self-inflicting auto-suggestive possession syndrome.

 When I reached and looked at the Samadhi in the little room,   an oil lamp was shining dimly near the shrine. I asked my wife to sit outside as I entered the room and sat to pay my regards to the saint with my eyes closed in meditation. The flame of the lamp was out when I opened the eyes. It was off without any wind, my wife informed. I was not surprised; spirit of the Khasi queen had done it to make her presence felt physically too.

Malun had taken me to the active spirit of Sankar to show him that she has slain her killer to avenge her death after 1200 years. Queen’s revenge of killing Mandan was complete by killing his present self in the paddy field of Isamati. But it was not enough to satisfy the active spirit of Malun.  She must also parade the killed Mandan before the active or charged spirit of Sankar to demonstrate the power of Buddhist Tantra. The stupid spirit was not concerned about the status of Buddhism in India today, 1200 years after what happened in Kamrup. There was hardly any Buddhist in India till five decades ago, and their number is negligible even now.

 Besides active spirits of Sankar, Malun, and a dead me, there was another person too somewhere in the thin crowd of Kedarnath temple on the day. He was the principal or active-spirit-self of Malun’s Buddhist priest – Guplong – who really had tormented Sankar under extreme pain of bleeding fistula and drove him to death. Active spirit of the present life of Guplong too was hanging over my head along with Malun.

‘As you sow so you reap’ is the rule of destiny. Four active spirits met at Kedarnath in the last week of October ’93 on account of their Karmas. They were to recount on the day their emotion driven misdeeds of the past, which debarred them from taking new bodies in a normal or routine death of a person; and, kept them alive as ethereal active spirits.

Soul of Acharya Sankar had identified Guplong as his killer while sinking into snow. Soul of Malun too had critical information about her death: Guplong planted a misinformation on Mandan through beguiling a courtier of Malun that she would take away the breath of Sankar soon. Mandan killed Malun through Abhichar misguided by the misinformation. Guplong, and not Malun, was to kill Sankar; Malun was just a decoy to dodge Mandan and divert his Abhichar. 

 Mandan and Guplong did not have an unnatural death on the occasion. They too were, however, as active spirits at Kedarnath for what they did in the past. The two met similar ends almost 1200 years later. All were now equal – active spirits after unnatural deaths. It was time for the four to remember and understand their past mistakes after meeting at the Samadhi of Sankar in the backyard of Kedarnath temple. Each of them had carried out erroneous and illogical acts for their religion guided by emotions.