Section 1: Days of peril

Damnation of a gentleman


Mother goes mad


V. R.’s widow mother was staying with him because he was her most noble and beloved son. Soon after the incidence of February ’89, the Khasi spirit dragged her on the path of madness. She possessed her mind and drove her to self-inflicting auto-suggestive possession syndrome. First manifestation of the malady brings loss of reverence, emotion and devotion towards their deities in the minds of the faithful.       She stopped her worship of Krishna or Narayana, adored all life, and discarded the deity later. She abused the revered god profusely and threw away the painting of Krishna soon after. This was an expression of anger by the occupying spirit of the Buddhist cult on the most common deity of Hindus – Krishna. I have had occasions to witness the anger and derision of Malun’s Buddhist spirit, parching over my head, even in other Hindu temples. The goddess like spirit of Malun displayed unmatched strength to invade and control the minds of priests in the temples of Siva and Krishna in North India, I had visited occasionally. Her belligerence towards Krishna was seemingly more intense, I felt.

Anger of Buddhism is highest on Krishna; and, there is a reason for it. Gita and its hero Krishna mesmerized Indians through Sankar to discard the Buddha’s religion promoting negativity, inactivity and laziness among youth. Idle followers of Buddha were doing nothing for the society, and whiled away their time in digging caves, and carving idols of Buddha or making his paintings in the caves.  Sankar educated men in India about principles of Gita, from north to south and east to west. The book takes life as a battlefield in contrast to a bundle of miseries propounded by the messiah of Buddhism. Sankar cajoled masses to fight and win over weaknesses in their lives through positive thinking, penance and Yog. Wave of positive thinking and battle for righteousness sermonized by Krishna to Arjuna in Gita was accelerated by Sankar, and it swept away Indians from Buddhism. They joined neo-Hinduism of Sankar that was positive, prayer-promoting and less ritualistic.

Buddhists were jittery about Sankar and hateful for his deity Krishna during his anti-Buddhist campaign. Buddhist queen of Kamrup too had her contempt for Sankar and his gods.  V.R. and his mother were the targets of punishment for the active spirit of Malun. She forced the mind of the mother of V. R. to do what   Malun did when living – hating Krishna. Her command and force on the old lady, suffering from saps, resulted into throwing away of the painting of Krishna and discontinuance of his worship.

V. R.  hospitalized his mother and a psychiatrist treated the lady for years.  There wasn’t much improvement, however; and, she lived on medication after returning home.

There was an occasion when I evaluated the activity of my alien to judge if she was acting like an active spirit; or, her behavior matched a goddess. Spirits possess an individual continually and participate in each of the victim’s activity till they depart in exorcizing. Gods don’t adhere to their victims like spirits; they depart after inflicting punishment on the victim.  In the case before me, I had to infer if  my alien  continues with the maddened  old lady  or  has left her after disrupting and  deranging her  mind.

 The old lady had taken up a vow not to take food cooked by the wife of V. R. because she would add acid in the meal.

V. R. was out of station in course of an official assignment, and I had to take care of his maddened   mother during his absence. I had gone to his mother with her dinner made by my wife.  To mitigate the problems of my boss for dealing with the vow of her mother, I asked his wife to give me a vegetable cooked by her.  It made an additional dish in the meal of the old lady.

“Have you come from heaven?” asked the mother as I stepped into her room.

“Surely!  And I have brought some food for you too. Will like to eat?” I replied.

“Yes.”  She was happy.

The ailing mother finished the meal without noting or commenting upon the additional vegetable prepared by her daughter-in-law. Under the possession of a spirit, she would not have taken the vegetable dish served by her daughter-in-law.  Her alien was acting like a goddess, and was not controlling the deranged mind of the old lady after turning her mad. The lady obviously was a victim of either goddess Lonkha or Swati, I inferred. Considering hatred of the occupying goddess towards Krishna, I fixed the possessing goddess as Swati – the deity behind the Buddhist Tantra.

I requested the lady of house to serve meals to the old mother with an assertive statement that the heavenly man has brought it. My suggestion solved the problem of my boss.

 V. R.’s mother lived seven years as insane, undergoing torture of one kind or the other by the spirit and goddess. Her   funeral pyre closed the story of her son’s harassment.