Section 1: Days of peril

Damnation of a gentleman

Inadvertent alienation


Rare few among us possess inner conviction for righteousness and do things right or try to make others happy.  V. R.  is one of them, continuing in the same vein even now.  He is a dedicated scientist, thinking of nothing except science. I worked under him during 1988-91. Our relations were most cordial and friendly without any trace of a senior-subordinate formality in transactions. Even personal problems were discussed between us.

Khasi spirit had lost her battle in Tantra in the morning of February 10, ‘89. A strong feeling of fear filled me about her medium 29C by the sunset. Malun had her designs to drain the energy of the teenager and kill her, I felt.  An effort to contact and join 29C psychically failed because the spirit had blocked our minds. There was a way out to save the life of the girl. A male communicable with me could deliver his energy to the medium to save her. His energy could be returned later. I requested V. R. on telephone in the night of 10th to do a required job next morning, and he did as directed.

Back home in Dehradun, I discovered that not only the teenager medium but my wife was also going to meet the same fate due to exhaustion-like-phenomenon triggered apparently by the Khasi queen. Both females were connected with each other on account of my alien’s Tantra. V. R.’s help saved the life of the medium as also my wife. His energy was returned to him on a crucial occasion a few months later.

I requested V. R.  during the last week of February for dropping me at home by his car   after the office because my car was in a garage for repair.

 I joined my boss in his car when we left the office, and we continued on a road leading to my residence till an important crossing. V. R. was to turn east on the crossing for my residence; but, he turned west instead.  He kept driving for over fifteen minutes in opposite direction on a highway, moving away from city. As the moving car reached the desolate part of the highway with hardly any habitation around, I looked at the face of my boss.  It was stiff and straight, as if in a trance.

He is going to crash the car against a speeding truck from the opposite direction to kill both of us, I feared. I was reminded of the pilot taking our plane in a parking lane at Kolkata airport under the possession and command of the same spirit – Malun.  Spirit’s head was controlling the head of my boss now, it was obvious.

“Have you to visit some one in the area?” I drew the attention of my boss.

“Huh…no, where am I going?” my boss mumbled.

 He was out of his trance; turned the car back, left me at my residence and moved away in silence.

There was no talk between us about his error. I knew the problem, and understood the unfailing signal of my adversary. She was going to punish my boss for his generous help to me on February 11. With this was also an additional stigma on his head from his past queen Malun. He was her courtier; and, in her opinion, an accomplice of her killer – me.

 A few days later, he complained of a burning sensation creeping down his abdomen, below the liver. He was running through the same symptoms of draining energy as mine.  The spirit had induced the same creeping movement of consciousness on the abdomen of V. R as of mine. I felt that my boss and I were sailing in the same leaking boat of life.

Who will sink first in the abyss of death?  Only a wild guess could be made in March ’89.