Abhichar: Destroying or killing an enemy through rituals and mantras; usual time-span of action: 6 months.

Abhivimanatmanam:  A state of Conscious-self above the initial Brahm state or Vimanatmanam (Egoless-self). Same as Buddh, Videh or Virajapar state.

Active Spirits: Spirits continuing in time like  living persons and collecting food of consciousness from living individuals through bhavaschet and kamaschet. In contrast, there are Passive Spirits who are buried in time soon after death of persons to become a part of community consciousness pool. The spirit community pool eats the living community domain and weakens the successive generations till a new community takes over the area or the old community disappears.

Adhopahas: A psychic conjugal act in Tantra aimed at humiliating the enemy of opposite sex – both living persons and spirits. Duration of act: a few hours to over twenty  years.

Ahankar: Ego.

Apsara: Demigoddess.

Apaurusheya (subjects): Topics where normal physical rules of cause and effect don’t apply   like Paurusheya subjects.

Antahkaran: Psychic apparatus running the causal body; constituted by nadies (consciousness-channels) and chakras    (consciousness ganglia), arranged mainly in a front-back girdle in the midline of our body (Fig. 1). A few chakras and full length of nadies also traverse the limbs.


Annasthal  à Antahk. (Fig.).

Ashapurna-sthal  à Antahk. (Fig.)

Ashok: An Emperor of India ca. 260 BC

Ashram: An establishment in forest for rigors to attain Brahm.

Astral body: Subtle spiritual body capable of separating from physical body and traveling in space-time.

Atharvaved: One of the four veds dealing mainly with Tantra for Eternal Life after attaining Brahm; hence, also named as Brahmaved.

Atma: Ego-bound or Body-bound conscious self feeling, “I’m body”.

atma: A component of soul responsible for feelings, food and reproduction.

Atta: A component of soul responsible for word-based knowledge and psychic potential.

Attadhar: Main body of soul holding together atma, atta and brahm and connected to living body and spirits.

Avidya: Learning related to worldly and heavenly gains like science and religion

Bhavaschet: Upper psychic organ of astral body or spirit related to feelings.


Brahm: Ego-free or Body-free conscious-self feeling “I’m not body; I am space-time free Brahm, expansive and pervading space-time”. It is an experiential achievement of a Yogi when he ascends above samadhi or null mind meditation above 30 minutes, which is the 8th step in Yog. A Yogi seated in Brahm lies above samadhi, hence also known a Turiyateet person. A Brahm-man was designated as Brahm, Brahma or Brahman. The last became a class or caste when progeny of a Brahman availed his father’s title. A Brahm undergoes stages of growth and changes. Prominent among these is the ‘death of a Brahm’ when he reaches Virajapar stage or ‘beyond-ego-free state’. It is also the ‘Eternal Life’ state. It is named as Buddh, Moksh or Videh states also.

brahm: è Attadhar.

Brahman: è Brahm.

Brahmaved: è Atharvaved.

Buddh: Buddha

Buddhi: Intellect

Causal body: Psychic body corresponding to physical body and holding antahkaran. Ling body or Ling Shareer is its other name.

Cerebral cortex: Upper dome-like part of cerebrum in the brain.

Chakras: Ganglia of consciousness girdle (Fig.1).

Chetanakash: Consciousness milieu around us and filling the space in universe, and sustaining the invisible past, visible present and invisible future scenarios. Karms and movement of souls seem to be governed by   C.

Consciousness channels: è Antahk.

Devadasi: Dancing maid in a temple.

Eternal Life: èBrahm.

Five Mahavrats:  Five Main Abstentions for strengthening spirit within and attaining Moksh – 1: killing, 2: untruth, 3: acquisition, 4: thieving and 5: sex indulgence.

Gita: A book of sermons for Hindus.

Hrit: An important ganglion of Antahk.

Immortal State: Eternal Life.

Kamakhya-sthal: è Antahk.

Kamaschet:  Lower psychic organ in an astral body or spirit related to sex.

Kamya (karm): è Karm

Karm: Psychic component of actions performed by a person and resultant attributes of negative (unhappiness) or positive (happiness) type in near or far future, due to participation of soul in each act. We perform satkarms (good acts) as also nishiddh or prohibited acts besides indulging in kamya or lustful acts. Those with regulated life have daily chores as also specific rituals for purifying   soul – nitya and naimittik karms.   Karms are individual (vyashti) as also of community (samashti). Usually karms don’t fructify immediately; instead they accumulate (sanchit karms) before fructification (prarabdh karms). Gap between the sanchit and prarabdh karms is several thousand years some times, since the carrier of karms is soul and not body and it is the soul/spirit which will lose or gain energy in the ultimate settlement of individual as well as community karms.

Ling body: è Causal body.

Ling Shareer: è Causal body.

Late Stone Age: Geological Time between 10000 & 32000 Years ago. Malinabrahm: Low energy, lowly pulsating brahm.

Malinatma: Low energy, lowly fluorescent atma.

Malinatta: Low energy, lowly fluorescent atta.

Malinattadhar: Low energy, lowly fluorescent attadhar.

Mahayan: Higher between the two main paths of Buddhism.

Manojav:  Psychic potential related to effectiveness of mantras used by a ritual-man to deliver the results as indicated by ritual. In the case of a person with high manojav, depending upon the ritual, results come forth between 3 days to 6 months unless the ritual aims at a result after death, eg, abode in heaven. High manojav is associated with elevated souls. Manojav has no relationship with intelligence. Intelligence is an attribute of physical and causal bodies whereas manojav is governed by astral body + spirits charged with psychic power + soul.   

Mantra: A psychic energy generating syllable, word or stanza used for repeated recitation to accumulate ‘psychic energy mass’ for purification of mind or antahkaran, rituals for improving the self or for destruction of enemy in Tantra. Accumulation of mantra-power is with astral body or spirit and, hence, it is carried forward by soul life after life. Also, mantras have restrictions of community and caste etc in their effectiveness during use. Again, a mantra becomes effective only after the person reciting them completes a certain number. For Gayatri Mantra the number is 24x24000. Whereas it is good to recite and accumulate ever beneficial mantras like Gayatri, mantras of Tantra have their own strictness of conduct and none should be tempted towards them without a guru. Active spirits usually finish a novice without protection of a master – either physical or spirit.

Middle Paleolithic: Geological time between 32000 and 120000 Years ago.

Middle Stone Age: Same as above.

Mooladhar (Chakra): Main consciousness ganglion of body located at the base of the spinal chord (Fig.-1). All members of the same sex in a species are connected through mooladhar and the ganglion is responsible for instinctive behavior among individuals of a species.  In man, mooladhar of an individual is connected also with the earlier spirits of the same individual and helps to draw psychic energy for survival in illness. The chakra is of special relevance in Tantra. A yogi in Virajapar state some times annihilates his enemies by drawing the energy of enemy through this ganglion.

Moksh: è Brahm.

Nadi: è Antahk.

Naimittik (karm): è Karm.

Nishiddh (karm): è Karm.

Nitya (karm): è Karm.

Nrisingh-sthal è Antahk.

Parvatee: Wife of God Shiv in Indian mythology.

Paribraaj: A wandering ascetic.

Passive spirit: Almost 99% astral bodies   constitute low energy spirits or passive spirits after death that are unable to stand out as independent psychic entities from community thought-field to survive in time as individual spirits (active spirits). Such weak spirits constitute passive spirit. They preserve within themselves desires which, when fulfilled, will provide succor to the spirit and it may ultimately get dissolved into the community thought-field. One of the oldest such spirits in my contact dates back to over 5000 years. Theoretically, those desire-free will neither leave active nor passive spirits and their souls would transmigrate with maximum earning of energy when these move out of the dead bodies.

Paurusheya (subjects): Topics where one to one correlation is possible between action and result, e.g., a bullet aimed at bull’s eye normally hits it or hits nearby.

Prajna: è Tantra.

Pran Pakheru: Life Bird.

Rigved: Principal among four veds dealing especially with prayers of over 60 deities.

Sadhans:  Instruments, especially the instruments needed for success on the road to Brahm in Vedant.

Sadhu: A wandering ascetic.

Samadhi: Last step in Yog characterized by over half an hour of null-mind-meditation accompanied by at least 25% fall in pulse rate and 2° F in temperature. Pulse rate may become 0 and body temperature close to that of atmosphere in prolonged samadhies. The stage looks somewhat akin to the hibernation among animals during winter.

Samadhi-sthal: A monument at a place where a Yogi has willfully departed from his body.

Samasti karm: è Karm.

Sankar: A great thinker, argument-wizard and philosopher of India responsible for routing out Buddhism in this country. He established a concept of Brahm through Aparokshanubhooti (non-indirect perception) or intellectual appreciation rather than experience of its consciousness attribute in head as per Upanishads. Obviously, neither he nor his disciples were close to experiential Brahm when they were beating drums of Brahm to finish Buddhism and establishing an updated version of Vedic cult to suite their times. His life was cut short by the spirit of the greatest Buddhist Tantra queen of her time at Guahati.  The Khasi Queen’s spirit possessed and tortured him through Tantra after Sankar’s disciple Mandan killed her. The spirit had her peace only after it ‘killed’ Mandan in January 1989 and paraded her kill before the spirit of Sankar at Kedarnath in October 1992. Such intense has been the hatred and anguish of this beautiful Tantrik against anti-Buddhist Brahmans, demolishing Buddhism through logic. Life after life the active spirit of Tantra Queen gathered energy to avenge and kill the person who finished her once through abhichar some 1200 years ago. There is no logic and no forgiving in an enemy mindset of a spirit. The event also exemplifies that religions, even at the highest plane of thinking, breed animosity and hatred due to ingrained instinctive trait of survival in each religious community.

Sarasvatee: Goddess of Vidya or enlightenment; an enlightened virgin Brahm courting male Brahm in Tantra.

Shiv: Shiva or Siva.

 Sitabrahm: High energy, highly fluorescent brahm.

Sitatma: High energy, highly fluorescent atma.

Sitatta: High energy, highly fluorescent atta.

Sitattadhar:  High energy, highly fluorescent attadhar.

Tantra:  Connotes ‘to rule or keep under command’ through psychic energy instead of worldly carrots and sticks. There is much confusion and hatred towards the subject because its misuse by those who master it or posed to have mastered it. Many of them ruled over people, like the Khasi queen, through the power of Tantra. They also entered a monarch’s cabinet and ruled over the whole country by possessing the mind of the ruler. Ashok was one such victim of a Buddhist Tantrik who emptied his treasury, under possession, for propagating Buddhism.  Temples of Khajuraho were built under similar conditions.

Broadly, operations in Tantra fall under three categories and practiced by three levels of people in the strength of manojav.  Lower among them are the persons who use mantras and rituals for fulfillment of a purpose. Such mantras abound in Atharvaved. The next category of Tantriks includes Yogies of high attainment and seated in Brahm. They are in a position to move consciousness in their body and transact, mostly with sex organs of opposite sex, without any physical contact for accreting consciousness. The conjugal act, conducted through astral body, has no social bar on relationship of physical type. A person in Virajapar state performs the highest form of Tantra, however, for Eternal Life. It is known as Prajna.  In the process, consciousness energy may be drawn from any one or any community and then neutralized through specific living form/ spirit/ or a God.

Specific components of soul are involved in the cited three stages of Tantra. The lower stage operates through atma; the middle stage through brahm and the highest one is through atta. Among body parts too, there is a distinction in the performing segments of body. Mantra operates through energy from abdomen; Yogic Tantra works on energy of muscles and bones while Prajna operates on the energy from nerves.

Tantrik:  An operator of Tantra.

Thoughtograph: Photograph of a mentally projected image.

 Turiyateet: Meaning ‘beyond fourth’ state of consciousness, it connotes a person experientially seated in Brahm state, which lies beyond samadhi or fourth state of consciousness. The other three states are awaken, dreaming and asleep.

Upper Paleolithic: Late Stone Age.

Urvashee: A demigoddess of Vedic age representing feminine form of Fire.

Vanprasth Ashram: Establishment of a renouncing person in a forest for penance and rigors for attaining Brahm.

Vaishnav Cult: A sect of Hindus who worship Vishnu as their principal deity.

Varun: A Vedic God related to Water.

Virajapar: è Brahm, Tantra.

Vidya: Subject matter or teachings and sermons, which help a person to attain Brahm and Eternal Life.

Yog:  A discipline of learning leading to control over the ‘perturbations’ and agitations in conscious self. The subject has a thorough practical pursuit of steps that lead ultimately to null-mind-mediation over half an hour. Yog is the primary requirement for the one in pursuit of Vidya, Brahm or Eternal Life. It is a practical training and has nothing to do with religion or sect, even though Five Mahavrats are essential for the one contemplating success in different activities of Yog. Those who are still in the grip of evil forces like anger, fear, pride, hatred and jealousy will find Five Mahavrats a hard chore for adhering.

Solar energy, absolute detachment from any intoxicant, starvation and hard physical and mental exercises appear to be most vital factors in making of a Yogi. Semidry tropical climate with fewer trees and an isolated place near a riverbank constitute ideal setting for an ascetic student of Yog who, to the mind of the author, should best be in thirties or early forties. Those who are householders may also undertake Yog for self-purification, with varying degrees of success depending upon the manojav of pursuer, his environment and efforts.

Actions or exercise in Yog is grouped under eight steps and unless the lower step is nearly perfect, the upper step does not yield desired results generally. The eight steps are:

1.Yam: Withdrawing of mind from multiple worldly desires and exert control over its instinctive reactions.

2.Niyam: Observing and conducting regulated life of rigors and prayers mostly under sun.

3. Asan: Conduct specific physical exercises for enhancing potential and power of muscles and bones.

4. Pranayam: Exercise to deny oxygen to lungs for enhancing anaerobic respiration and activating desired parts of brain for adapting lower levels of oxygen for slowing down its activity. Standard breath is one and half minutes for a minimum of 10 deep breaths during exercise.

Pratyahar: Restricting the wandering mind from multitude of topics arousing feelings and emotions to a few non-emotional themes, e.g., derivation of words in pratyahars of   Sanskrit grammar. The step also implies a radical cut down of physical food and enhance intake of food of consciousness through isolation, starvation and silence.
Dharana: It is an exercise for freeing mind from emotive objects and   focusing neutral   thoughts on limited subjects. Holding and locking mind on a neutral, emotion-free theme like memorization of aphorisms of Sanskrit grammar is a handy tool. Intricate features of a natural scene traversed recently, when recollected stressing the mind for details, also help. Never focus on deities and gods. It will turn you into an emotional sheep before a shepherd community Lord. Yog is essentially a process to step out of emotions and ego.

Dhyan: Process of null-mind meditation by cutting the body segment from brain through applying ‘thought pressure’ on Ashapurna-sthal area at the base of the  brain. Initially, it results in splitting headache but gradually null-mind-meditation sets in. After meditation has crossed duration of over 15 minutes, Pranayam should be discontinued.

Samadhi: èSamadhi.

    One seated in samadhi, high manojav, may opt for miracles (siddhies) or take to additional efforts, in isolation, for attaining Brahm and Eternal Life. Many elevated Tantriks of past belonged to the  first category. They either ruled themselves or possessed mind of   kings to rule over their   kingdom.

Yogi: A pursuer of Yog.