Relationship between Bodies and Soul


Body is a physical apparatus of an animal man for most of us. To many of us, however, even an astral body is a distinct possibility.  It is perceptible during out-of-the-body experience or astral projections. A third body of man is also recognizable through migrating heads of the sailors of the Watertown. Between the two non-physical bodies the astral body is related to spirits and governed by brahm. It is a storehouse of energy for movement, conjugal interactions and emotions. The other body, essentially head (+ spinal chord) is named as Buddh body by me elsewhere (Ch. 1, Ref. 2: Box 8.1). It is related to atta and activities of atta, i.e., intelligence, memory, logic and hypnosis. An advance yogi sees and deals with yet another body within his physical body. It contains consciousness channels and antahkaran  (Idem, Box 8.1). Externally, this invisible body is a replica of physical body and related to functions of spirit and soul, i.e., instincts, feelings and reproduction. Upanishads call it Ling shareer (body). Ling has a dual meaning – knowledge and gender. Both meanings apply to Ling body. It is a knowledgeable or sensitive body in contrast to the inert physical body; and, it is a gender body because of different responses of the same consciousness ganglia or chakras in the two genders. It is also known as causal body (Idem, Box 8.1). The causal body has two major centers of consciousness – one at the base of spinal chord (mooladhar) and at the top of head (attasthal). The two centers are also associated with spirits and Buddh body.