Transfer of Information


Transfer of information from past life to living reincarnations for fulfillment of karms involves a complex system in the consciousness domain. Two case histories below illustrate the situations in real life.

Young Mother: In February ’92 my wife and I were traveling by train between Dehra Dun and Puri via Varanasi. Visit of Sarnath, a Buddhist excavation site near Varanasi, was the main attraction of the journey through this town. We had  DehraDun - Lucknow journey during night, and when the train departed for Varanasi it was around nine in morning.

 A young mother with her son was in our cabin as a co-passenger right from Dehra Dun. After the train had left Lucknow, the mother sat on her berth to feed her baby in a casual and care free style, not bothering about co-passengers in the cabin. She   opened her breast and was feeding her son unmindful of our presence. Her style of feeding the child wasn’t decent, we felt.  She got down from   train a little later.

My visit to Sarnath was quite pleasant on the fourth day of sojourn at Varanasi. Next evening I was in a train to Puri, sleeping comfortably all night. I woke up around five in morning. The young mother and her past life at Sarnath had sneaked into my head during sleep, I discovered. In a way, the subconscious had brought all the past information almost after 36 hours since my departure form Sarnath.

The mother in the train proved to be the lady carved as the sixth disciple of Buddha, with her child behind, in the most fascinating statue of Gautam Buddh, smiling serenely (6). She was the wealthy widow who ordered sculpturing of this magnificent work.

I had been visiting Sartnath since ‘50.  Revival of the past, left behind at that time of statue, never entered my head earlier. It surfaced only after the lady carved as sixth disciple of Buddha met her sculptor in the train.   Again, there was no trace of this information for three days after meeting the lady before visiting Sarnath. Obviously, my access to the past information involved a set of steps. First, there was a communication between the souls of the sculptor and the wealthy widow when the young mother and I met each other   in train; second, my visit to the statue after meeting her actuated the bhavaschets and kamaschets of our spirits; third, transfer of feelings of past from the two spirits to their living counterparts ensued due to actuation of spirits; and, lastly our souls reacted in the present body to the unconsumed feelings of the past.

Any model for transfer of emotions from past to present must assume that the lady and the sculptor were continuing at Sarnath as spirits after their death since fifth century AD when Buddh’s statue was carved. Their bhavaschets and kamaschets remained charged with attraction for nearly 1500 years but their spirits were unable to exchange feelings due to the absence of causal (physical) bodies.  When their souls met in the present, their   interactions of past were actuated by a common scene of the past – the wealthy mother feeding the son almost in the same style as today. My subsequent visit to Sarnath attracted the two spirits belonging to the same souls. One of these passed on its feeling to me and the other to the young mother at a distance of about 200 kilometers. This happened on the night I visited Sarnath (because of subconscious transfer during sleep). During the second night, reactions of the souls in the individuals were exchanged as emotions and passions.

The Sarnath Episode suggests that spirits of sculptor and his employer continued with ‘frozen desires and emotions’ for about 1500 years. Spirits cannot actuate transfer of energy within themselves to calm their desires, feelings, emotions or passions. They require a causal or gender body, which is the psychic base of a living person.  A physical body is essential for consummation of karms, therefore. These could either be consumed physically through physical body or through Tantra with the help of gender or causal body. I consumed them through Tantra, keeping the young mother unaware of her past.

Sunglow: I met Sunglow in Ankara when she was thirty-five and mother of a son, around five. In November ’96, the day I was returning to India from Turkey, we were in Attaturk Memorial. While walking in the huge campus, I touched a sensitive spot in the life of the widow inadvertently. She broke down, sobbing and weeping. To relieve her of sorrow, I caressed her right scapular area. An unexpectedly large barrel of pain flowed from her chest to mine. It was clear right then, her agony was not related to the event of her life discussed there.  It had a touch of our own association in  past,  now buried under ignorance of our living bodies.

 Back in India, I meditated on the problem periodically to get rid of the burden of Sunglow’s unhappiness dumped upon me.   There was no success, however. Situation was reconciled after six months and Sunglow forgotten with a satisfaction – now her soul was free of the past agony of our association. A couplet of Kabir was in mind “ It is the punishment of birth and life that all have to undergo; an ignorant cries and weeps while the knowledgeable suffers silently, wisely”.

In late ’97 one of my General Managers introduced me with an Egyptian Scientist visiting our Seismic-data Processing and Interpretation Center at Panvel.  Next morning I learnt who Sunglow was! Her face floated before me, not as she was in her Turkish attire but exactly like Nefertiti, the queen of Akhenatan – a pharaoh of Egypt. Incidentally, gloomy Sunglow of today is a look-alike of a sad Nefertiti 3300 years ago.   The Egyptian scientist was her sculptor, carving her famous portrait (7).  Past of Sunglow also unfolded her pains through visions. The villain of Sunglow’s unhappy past was working with me at Mumbai but I had run out of time for initiating any strong action against him.  To my luck, however, 3300 years after the death of the queen, a male reincarnation of her daughter was with me. He, without any information of past, helped me see the end of sorrows of his mother queen of Egypt.

 Sunglow presents an example of complexities of karms and randomness of future lives in space and time. In November ‘96, she passed on her sorrow to me as my accompaniment for life unexpectedly. However, an Egyptian Scientist arrived in ‘97 and her past, buried in a distant land, peeped out of the grave for avenging the villain with the help of my young associate. The latter compensated my absence at Mumbai in the execution of karms while I stayed away at Dehra Dun.  By the year 2000 unhappiness of Nefertiti, loading my chest, had vanished.

 Story of Sunglow also reveals that souls have no fixed gender, religion, caste or status. These are the features of body and culture. The Egyptian scientist was a Sun worshiper and the villain was a follower of Amun. The former is a Muslim and the latter a Hindu. My young associate is a Hindu and his mother a Moslem. Once a queen, she is now in a secretarial service. Incidentally, beauty remains her asset in past and present both. It made her queen in past but is of no help now.

 At Dehra Dun, an observation showed   something even more startling and drastic about movement of soul from one life to other. While out on a road, I found a pup licking my feet in a chilly evening of January ’99. Once its soul was with my servant in the same town, during sixties. “This man had descended down, literally, to live as a dog under the dictates of his karms”, I thought.